An Automobile That You'll Fall in Love: Voodoo Idol Lead Sled by Custom Genius Voodoo Larry Grobe
A committed lover of cars, "Voodoo" Larry Grobe started building cars when he was only 18 years old. Professionalized with experience and advanced ability in craftsmanship, Voodoo Larry established his own shop, Voodoo Larry Kustoms located in Schaumburg, Illinois, and serves his scarified customers with his ingeniously built custom vehicles.
In the video presented right on this page today, we're checking out one of the spectacular builds of Voodoo Larry. It's a perfectly slammed Voodoo Idol Lead Sled that will make you fall in love with itself at the very first glance. What Larry did on this car is absolutely amazing. It's the product of one-of-a-kid talent.
Check out the video to learn more about this gorgeous creation and let us know what you think about it!