KILLERDRONE Best Friend of Jigsaw Killer
Drones are widely known as unmanned aerial vehicles. While often remotely controlled, these aircrafts can also fly autonomously through software-based flight plans in their embedded systems.
Recently, almost everyone hates drones due to several reasons. These robotic aerial vehicles are commonly considered as privacy-violating and very loud plastic trashes. And this hatred created the KILLERDRONES. The new best friend of Jigsaw killer! It's said that this is gonna play the leading role in the new Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This also can be used as a perfect weapon for a potential zombie apocalypse. Okay, just kidding!!!
Killer drones namely flying chainsaws are created by insanely innovative Finnish farmers. This is a simple but cool drone with a chainsaw attached on it. These epic aircrafts are probably designed to cut the icicles hanging down the roofs. Warning: when you see it, you're gonna love it!!!