Why Do Semi-Trucks Use Air Brakes?

In this video, we take a deep dive into the different types of brake systems and explain the benefits of air brakes. Comparison of hydraulic and pneumatic brakes, their pros and cons. You'll learn how each system works, their reliability, and the fail-safe features of air brakes.

Discover why air brakes are the preferred choice for heavy vehicles like semi-trucks and why most car manufacturers stick to hydraulic brakes. Learn about the extra costs of air brakes and how they can be used on trailers too.

Air brakes are more efficient than hydraulic brakes when it comes to stopping heavy vehicles like semi-trucks. This is because air brakes can generate more braking force than hydraulic brakes, which means that the driver can stop the truck more quickly and safely.

Air brakes are also safer than hydraulic brakes because they have a failsafe mechanism built into them. If there is a leak in the air brake system, the brakes will automatically engage and bring the truck to a stop. Hydraulic brakes, on the other hand, don't have this failsafe mechanism, which means that a leak in the system could cause the brakes to fail.

Air brakes are more durable than hydraulic brakes because they don't use any fluid that can leak or degrade over time. This makes air brakes more reliable and longer-lasting than hydraulic brakes. Finally, air brakes are required by law on most heavy vehicles like semi-trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires that all trucks over 26,000 pounds use air brakes because they are more effective and safer than hydraulic brakes.

So, after watching this video, you can answer the question, why do semi-trucks use air brakes instead of the traditional hydraulic brakes?